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From Paranoid Schizophrenic to a Life of Service


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Our self-esteem is at the source of what we do and why we do it. I believe that I have suffered from a lack of self-esteem for most of my life and in the process of defining it and learning more about it, I have become fascinated by it and how it affects every aspect of our lives.

The natural progression for me was to create a website that includes all the lessons and all of the resources that I have used to increase my self-esteem, change my life and move through the challenges of it.

I believe that nearly all people deal with a low self-esteem at some point in their lives. The rest of this site will explain how it all comes about. I will also explain how it effects all of the events that we create in life.

Who Decides What's Normal?

I do not believe that there is a 'normal' for people. In order to judge something as normal, we have to have people who know what that is. Who decides? We have a tendency to consider normal as being grouped in with the majority of people. Again, who is deciding this? I consider normal as 'workable'. So what works for the health and wellness of people is what we need to consider as normal.

So if something is not working for you in your life, it is time to take a look at things and decide how you want them. Since you are reading this website, I can assume that you are searching for answers to some of your life questions. My goal is to help you with that.

My take on life is that we are all 'good enough' just the way we were created. We are all special and unique and each one of us contributes something original and different to this life and to the people in our life. I believe that we need to treat ourselves gently and lovingly because until the day we die (and possibly beyond) we are a 'work in progress'. That's the way it was meant to be. That's why we are here.

This website is created as a gift to share what I know and to help you and the people you love to live a better and more joyful life.

Thank you for visiting my website. I invite you to explore and enjoy.

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Optimum Development occurs when an organism makes the maximum number of mistakes consistent with survival. In other words, the more mistakes you make, the closer you become to your best possible self, provided that the mistakes don't kill you.~~~Sidney Dancoff

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